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Resident Benefits Package

Benefits so good, you may never want to leave.

At Vista Management Group, all of our residents get the #1, most-awarded Experience:

Filter Delivery Service
Cleaner air and lower utility bills? That almost sounds too good to be true. But with regular air filter deliveries, you can keep the HVAC unit running smoothly, lowering utility bills by 15% and reducing maintenance requests by 38% on average.

$1M Identity Protection
1 in 4 Americans are victims of identity theft. With identity protection as part of your RBP, every adult on the lease automatically gets the peace of mind, including dark web monitoring, alerts when a strange account is opened in your name, and a US based restoration specialist team—all using the latest technology with IBM Watson AI.

Resident Rewards Program
Turn rent day into rewards day. By paying your rent on time, you can earn rewards like gift cards, exclusive discounts to stores and restaurants, and even cash prizes.

24/7 Maintenance Coordination
It always seems like things happen after hours. This makes reporting those pesky maintenance issues fast and easy, either online or by phone.

Home Buying Assistance
If and when you’re ready to move on to homeownership, we can help you get there.

Online Portal
Access your documents, pay rent, and more through our easy to use online portal.

Credit Building
You can build credit by paying for virtually anything. Except rent. Let’s change that. By automatically reporting on-time payments to the three major credit bureaus, residents typically see an average credit score increase of 23-42 points–improving credit card rates, auto loans, and future mortgages.

Renters Insurance
Our group rates are incredibly competitive—with an average retail policy at $18/mo according to Our master policy meets all your lease requirements and enrolling is as easy as signing your lease. If you want more or different coverage, of course you can shop and provide your own.

Move-In Concierge
Turn hours of research and calls into a single conversation. Our move-in concierge service helps you get your utilities, cable, internet, even security systems set up for you. Plus, they take time to find only providers that service your address and any promotions so you don’t waste time or money.

On-Demand Pest Control
Preventive sprays aren’t always effective and can get expensive. With On-Demand Pest Control, you can quickly eliminate pesky pests. Just file a claim and let the professionals handle it before it becomes a bigger problem. All covered pests are handled at no additional cost.

Vetted Vendor Network
Everyone who services your home is screened to meet or exceed our standards for insurance, licensing, and professionalism for the job.

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